Azerbaijan is geographically located at the boundary
between European and Asian continents. In its historical
past, Azerbaijan was at the meeting-point of various
civilizations: Akhemenidian-Sasanide, Roman-Byzantine,
Scythian-Khazarian, and Turkic-Oguzian. Even considering
cultural symbiosis and diversity of traditions,
retained in historical memorials of material and
cultural documents, phenomenon of Azerbaijan's prosperity
is exactly in its ethnogeny and its folk - creator
of unique valuables in various areas of art.
If we trace the history of ethnic groups in Azerbaijan,
we should see that in addition to Azerbaijanis,
constituting about 90% of country population, various
minorities, ethnic and national groups participated
in formation of this folk from time immemorial.
Among them there are representatives of various
families of languages:
" Turkic branch of Altaic family (Azerbaijanis,
Tatars, Turks-Meskhetins);
" Indo-European group (Tats, Talishs, Kurds, mountain
" Caucasian group (Udins, Lezghins, Avars, Tsahurs,
Budugs, Ingiloys, Grizs, Hynaligs);
" Slavic group (Russians, Molokans, Ukrainians),
and others
The end of XX century submitted historical opportunity
to restore independent statehood for republics of
the former USSR. Primarily there increased an interest
to the past, to forming process of national self-consciousness,
to actualization of historical memory. At the same
time "globalization" became the leading tendency
in development of the World Community. Basically
globalization erases boundaries between countries
and folks, and therefore brings together mankind
and promotes enlargement and development of common
planetary culture. Such erasing of linguistic, ideological
and political barriers causes some leveling and
similarity for diversity of cultures. This cultural
similarity is especially destructive for original
ethnic cultures in highly cultural society.
Taking into account above social and historical
events, one of essential goals for Azerbaijan Administration's
balances policy is to preserve poly-ethnic State
collection, which determines cultural gene pool
of the country, including such elements as language,
folk art, material culture, customs and traditions,
ethics and traditional upbringing system, etc.
Some kind of "Ethnic Renaissance" in Azerbaijan
commenced with famous Decree of Heydar Aliyev, the
President of the Azerbaijan Republic, national leader,
issued in 1992 "About protection of the rights and
freedom, governmental support of development of
languages and culture of national minorities, minorities
and the ethnic groups living in the Azerbaijan Republic".
This Decree clearly emphasized the rights of minorities
for education, press, special broadcasting on central
TV and radio, culture of equality and partnership,
solidarity and justice, tolerance and honesty.
Successful implementation of this Decree brought
to current self-consciousness of new Azerbaijan
citizens. It includes identity of three components:
" Rights to belong to own ethnic group (for any
nation: Azerbaijanis, Tatars, Russians, etc.);
" Love and respect to own national traditions, history
of folk, aim to study national language and national
" Rights to belong to multi-national Azerbaijan
society, and at last, to the World Community. It
mean responsibility not only for own folk and multi-national
country, but for the whole world.
there is no such folk without problem to preserve
and develop ethnic culture. Common objective always
unifies. Firstly it is enrichment by new knowledge,
preservation of nation and its culture, provision
of collected knowledge for future generations, etc.
These thesis were the basis of activity of the first
and, maybe, unique in Azerbaijan, musical, scientific,
educational, and cultural magazine "Musigi Dunyasi".
This magazine is the messenger of global project:
"Azerbaijan Music for the Third Millennium". Magazine
"Musigi Dunyasi" associates public figures of culture,
science and education, as well as experts in electron
and computer technologies. The magazine operates
in two directions: on one hand it uses traditional
methods (printed version of "Musigi Dunyasi" magazine),
on the other hand it applies the most modern methods
of informational technologies to solve virtualization
problems of Azerbaijan music culture.
One of priorities of "Musigi Dunyasi" activity is
to study Azerbaijan traditional music in modern
As above noted, Azerbaijan folk consists of Azerbaijanis
(representative part of country's society), as well
as of over 30 titled nations and ethnic groups,
compactly living in various areas of the country.
Despite diversity in quantity, religion and language,
the all are Azerbaijan citizens and equal in rights
with Azerbaijanis. Their folk traditions and knowledge
have common cultural and scientific value. They
absorbed the richest data on history, life-style,
mentality and ideology of each ethnic culture. They
are unique, original and specific.
Unfortunately, despite genre riches and thematic
diversity, traditional knowledge as well as intellectual
property of these ethnic groups, and their authentic
folklore, did not get proper assessment. Essentially
it is not covered broadly either in our country,
or abroad. Moreover, this folk property was not
subject for researches of Azerbaijan historians,
ethnographers, ethno-psychologists, ethno- linguists
and ethno-musicologists. Some matters could be found
in publications out of Azerbaijan. However, they
were not always truthful and objective. That is
why to study this problem is actually important,
not only from humanitarian and scientific point
of view, but considering political, social and historical
perspectives. It is particularly vital in the period
of legal preservation of traditional knowledge in
globalization epoch.
Starting from 2003, creative team of "Musigi Dunyasi"
commenced aimed activity to collect, study, cataloging,
mapping and recording of the folk music. Composition
of the team:
" T. Mamedov, Professor, Doctor of Musicology;
" F. Khaligzadeh, Ph.D, ethno-musicologist;
" T. Kerimova, Ph.D, ethno-musicologist;
" G. Adigezalzadeh, Ph.D, ethno-musicologist;
" D. Hasanova, Ph.D, ethno-musicologist;
" Z. Guliyev, Ph.D in Technical Sciences;
" I. Isayev, philologist;
" Kh. Mamedov, operator (photo and video shooting)
This combined research, necessary to define real
existence of music folklore, its links with social
life, labour, life-style, geography, ethnography,
and culture of the folk, consolidated of various
nations, called into being the project: "Atlas of
Azerbaijan Tradition Music".
Aim of this Project is to create systematic collection:
database of Azerbaijan traditional music as multimedia
product (Web-site, DVD, etc). It should include
nature-geographical and ethnographic zones of the
country with characteristic forms and genres of
musical folklore, masterly performance, folk music
instruments, etc.
The Project is aimed to solve actual civil and legal,
ecological and enlightening, social and educational,
cultural and didactic, scientific and historical
problems. These problems are to collect, preserve
and transmit unique examples - artifacts of Azerbaijan
music folklore to future generations by means of
multimedia and e-models.
Proposed e-edition is aimed:
" to increase knowledge on infrastructure of Azerbaijan
traditional music culture;
" to introduce Azerbaijan musical ethnic landscape
to people, living in various areas of the World
" to promote humanitarian education and self-education
of the intellectuals and students;
" to record documental Azerbaijan traditional music;
" to increase care for conservation of natural and
cultural valuables among local population and tourists;
" to preserve traditional musical culture in areas
of their existence; to develop methods and techniques
of eco-tourism's management and monitoring;
" to secure copyrights of Azerbaijan folk for original
traditional musical culture.
The Project:
" is guided by international legal statements on
human rights and framework convention on minorities'
" takes into consideration importance of non-material
cultural heritage as focus of cultural diversity
and guarantee of stable development established
in article of international convention, UNESCO Declaration
on Cultural Diversity (2001), UNESCO Convention
for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
(2003), UNESCO Convention on the Protection and
Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression
" takes into account that starting from 1998, the
World Organization of Intellectual Property (WOIP),
initiated new direction in intellectual property
area: protection of traditional knowledge;
" recognizes Laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "On
Copyrights and the Adjacent Rights" (1966) and "Legal
Protection of Folklore Expression " (2003).
The following organizations participated in creation
of Web-site devoted to Azerbaijan ethno-musical
" The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of AR;
" UNESCO Moscow Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation
" National Commission of UNESCO;
" Agency of Copyrights of AR;
" Baku Music Academy;
" Institute of Open Society Azerbaijan;
" Promotion Fund, regional and municipal Departments
of Culture of AR;
" Societies of minorities, living in Azerbaijan;
" Travel company "SHABRAN-D"
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to
all the Project's participants, including folk musicians,
keeping ethnic music memory, guards of Azerbaijan
traditional folklore, population of regions, cities,
and countryside of the Republic.
Professor Tariel