Budug |
of silence |
Banovsha |
Budug |
(Kuba area)
village Budug is located at the top of a small mountain
plateau, at height up to 300 m from the level of the
Kara-Chai River on the right coast of it. The site
of Budug has many advantages of strategic character.
Terraces, in the top part of a plateau, locate houses.
Approximately on 2-3 km. above, some houses of inhabitants
of the settlement named Kazhma Budug are scattered
on abrupt slopes of the Alpine meadows.
The country Budug is small - about 200 inhabitants
for only 35 houses. Houses are located very compactly
because of small area of a mountain plateau. Houses
are old, made of hewn stone; wooden beams as antiseismic
linings are built into walls. Inhabitants are affable,
though they are laconic.
Inhabitants of Budug observe their ethnic customs
and ceremonies during celebrations, burials, family
events. Carpets inside and oriental rugs weaved by
their ancestors lay their houses. Now many national
crafts are forgotten. During hard times many inhabitants
marketed their ancient copper ware and other utensils
to visited secondhand dealers. On greater holidays
there are arranged ancient sports contests on struggle
and other games in the open air.
are only 2 springs in the settlement, whence water
is carried to houses in copper and clay jugs.
The budugs live very modestly; they are engaged in
agriculture in their kitchen gardens, in courtyards
of own houses. The cattle breeding are developed;
in the middle of summer all population leaves for
the Alpine meadows on preparation cattle's hay.
There is located a building of municipality, a school
with 9 classes training in the village. The settlement
has no objects of public catering. However it is possible
to try very tasty local dishes by visiting local residents.
It is of a big interest the preserved ceramic conductor
of milk laid in Budug in the old days from the village
Gazhma situated above. According to local inhabitants,
prior to the beginning of XX century the milk was
passed through these ceramic pipes in Budug from Gazhma.
In Budug the milk was processed and sent to the market.
As far as 10 km from Budug in a deep canyon of the
Kara-Chai, on the unapproachable rock, there were
saved the remains of an ancient fortress "Ediller".
In the same canyon of the Kara-Chai in the huge grottoes
located on inaccessible rocky walls, the inhabitants
of this country hid herds from attacks. In a valley
of the Kara-Chai before the beginning of a canyon
there is a sacred place "Pir Banovsha" on steep rocks
in a cave.
Inside this cave there is a stalactites block, the
huge sea cockleshell is as though soldered in. Nearby
to Budug, on the opposite side of the Kara-Chai, there
is located an ancient fortress and a funeral zoroastric
tower on a huge rock. This tower construction is called
"Daxma" or "Tower of silence". This construction reminds
figure 8 in the form of the basic tower and a buttress.
Near the settlement there is a beautiful waterfall
named by local residents "Axjid" that stands for "water
falling from height" in the Burgud language. From
Budug it is possible to make round to sacred mountain
"Chereke" (2100m below sea level), to the cave pir
near the ruins of Kazhma Budug, to the canyon of the
Kara-Chai with visiting ancient grottoes and sanctuary
"Pir Banovsha". Travelers can also make ascension
on the rock, where "Daxma" ("Tower of silence") is